Sunday, May 24, 2015

Italians are genetically Arabs

It's good to know the history.

Bob Loblaw
May 6, 2015
+The MagicalUnicorn I'm asian and I like arab culture. They're like italians on steroids. Don't take shit and look out for their own.

Eagle Papa
9:02 AM
+Bob Loblaw Haha! Arabs are like Italians on steroids! You are right and completely wrong at the same time! If you study the history you will find out that Italians are genetically Arabs. In other words: Arabs f...ked so many Italian women that they changed their ethnicity completely. Italians were just pure white Europeans before mixing with Arabs. The same happened with Spain, Greece, Turkey, Israel... And almost the same happening now with UK, France, Nederlands, Sweden...

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

If you'r a white boy you should know!

Yesterday 8:56 AM
So it's illegal to compliment women in England?
Eagle Papa
Yesterday 10:06 PM
+Peakhelliw No. Regulations are for white men only.
Yesterday 11:53 PM
So I can't compliment women then?  Not in the harassment way of course.
Eagle Papa
7:04 PM
Exactly. If you'r a white boy you should know:
1) White moms strictly prohibiting their sons to flirt with a girls.
2) Legal regulations works only on white boys coz they are only one who's following.
3) Legislation more strict with a whit boys coz then it's no racial issues coming up for the punishment.
4) It's dangerous for white boys to flirt with a girls coz they may be beaten up by Arabs as the feel ownership for any girl.
5) White boys usually don't have a chance with easy white girls so there is no point to waist your time for compliments.